11 Jun 2024

In today’s competitive business environment, skilled management is crucial. Investing in your managers can significantly benefit your company.  Here’s how: Enhanced Leadership Skills Management training equips leaders with skills including effective communication, conflict resolution and strategic thinking. Well-trained managers align their teams with organisational goals, improving both performance and…

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25 Apr 2023

We need to reverse the misconception that failure is bad. Failure brings with it many lessons and provides opportunities for growth and development. It’s also impossible to innovate without sometimes failing along the way.  Lesson #1 – Failure brings knowledge Failure teaches us things. Thomas Edison famously failed nearly 1,000…

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08 Oct 2020

In March, we began the largest work-from-home experiment in history. But what impact is working from home having on productivity, collaboration and wellbeing?  Well, with it now being over six months since we started working from home, the data is in. We can now see clearly what is –…

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18 May 2020

It is still unclear as to when we will be returning to the ‘office’ – but when we do, we’ll be returning to a world of work that is very different to what we are used to. Even before Covid-19 we had been seeing much needed transformation in the…

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30 Nov 2018

5 interesting reads and listens below, providing inspiration and advice to help you work better! The scientific argument for mastering one thing at a time To master more things in the long run is to simply focus on one thing right now.  How to be more elastic in your…

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07 Sep 2018

We are rounding off the week with 5 interesting things we have found. Read away… It’s nothing like a broken leg… Perhaps one of the best articles we have read outlining what mental illness really is. Although more conversation around mental health is great, more understanding is still needed,…

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21 Dec 2017

We’re finishing off the year by sharing five fascinating articles we have found. Happy reading and, most importantly, happy christmas. Words that turn a conversation around A must-read on how powerful language can be in helping us get the results we want. How to use mindfulness to make better…

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