11 Jun 2024

In today’s competitive business environment, skilled management is crucial. Investing in your managers can significantly benefit your company.  Here’s how: Enhanced Leadership Skills Management training equips leaders with skills including effective communication, conflict resolution and strategic thinking. Well-trained managers align their teams with organisational goals, improving both performance and…

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11 Jun 2024

High-impact managers don’t just oversee tasks: they inspire, guide, and elevate their teams to achieve exceptional results. Here are five essential courses run by Realise that can transform your management skills and make work better: Management Essentials: Lay Down the Foundations of Effective Management Understanding the core principles of…

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11 Jun 2024

Time is one of the most precious resources for a busy manager. They can often find themselves juggling multiple tasks and responsibilities, which can lead to burnout and decreased productivity. Effective delegation is an essential skill that can help managers optimise their workload, empower their team, and achieve better…

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04 May 2023

In nearly every aspect of business, it is the manager that makes the biggest difference to performance. They play a singular role in the life and work of an employee. In fact, a research survey from Gallup shows that the quality of a manager accounts for 70% of the…

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25 Apr 2023

We need to reverse the misconception that failure is bad. Failure brings with it many lessons and provides opportunities for growth and development. It’s also impossible to innovate without sometimes failing along the way.  Lesson #1 – Failure brings knowledge Failure teaches us things. Thomas Edison famously failed nearly 1,000…

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09 Feb 2023

Do you feel like your working days are draining but still somehow unproductive? We can spend many wasted hours trying to tick things off our to do lists but never achieve everything we want to. Luckily, there are some simple tools we can use to help us get the most…

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07 Jun 2022

Modern life is taking away our ability to focus. Technology is fragmenting our time and concentration. With this, our productivity – alongside our cognitive and mental health – is being eroded. The below facts will help you take stock of the cost of these distractions. Through improving our concentration, we…

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05 Nov 2021

Do you think you are an expert multi-tasker? Well think again. Multi-tasking does not work and here we explain why. You’ll soon realise that ‘single-tasking’ is the way to go. You can’t actually do it The brain is not built for multi-tasking. When you think you are multi-tasking what…

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18 Jul 2021

Work is a constant battle against our inboxes and the true impact it is having on our productivity and mental health is shocking… By 2019 the average worker was sending and receiving 126 business emails per day, which works out about one message every four minutes. (Radicati Group Inc,…

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08 Oct 2020

In March, we began the largest work-from-home experiment in history. But what impact is working from home having on productivity, collaboration and wellbeing?  Well, with it now being over six months since we started working from home, the data is in. We can now see clearly what is –…

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